Advancing racial equity
Inspiring real change — past, present and future
We understand the need for deep, lasting changes to the systemic inequity faced by BIPOC communities. And we’re committed to both building on what’s already been created while taking on the challenges that meet the moment.

Real allyship is rooted in action
We’ve made our allyship resources publicly available to help other organizations create a culture of belonging.
Our recent actions on racial equity and allyship:
Our culture of belonging and commitment to equity has inspired more than 3,500 employees to attend the George Floyd Courageous Conversation on how to play a role in racial and social justice.
Our employee culture also inspired immediate action in Minneapolis and St. Paul in the aftermath of the events of 2020 to help distribute snack, hygiene and cleaning kits.
CEO Jeff Harmening signed his name to a statement urging state legislators to adopt policing reforms in Minnesota, which helped pass fundamental reforms.
We’re committed to diversity and equity in leadership and in our hiring process by increasing the representation of BIPOC in our management and leadership teams.
Our ongoing commitments

Equitable food access

Equity in education

Equity in representation
See what we’re cooking up
Read more about how we’re advancing racial equity.